Crisis Management: Focus on What you can Control

How do you choose what to worry about? 

In the 24-hour news cycle, we’re hit from all directions with the latest “crisis” the world is facing. Obesity. Sleep deprivation. Student-loan debt. A shortage of biscuits. It’s constant and can be exhausting. 

That’s not even taking into consideration the “crises” we experience in our own personal lives — things like avoiding mistakes at work or keeping track of appointments for yourself and relatives. 

It’s hard to be concerned about refugees in Europe when you’re trying to keep your affairs in order on the home front. 

[CLICK HERE to read the article, “The Great British Biscuit Crisis is finally over,” from The Independent, April 7, 2016.] 

[CLICK HERE to read the article, “The American Health Crisis That’s Bigger than Obesity,” from The Fiscal Times, April 6, 2016.] 

Then, somewhere at the edge of our consciousness, there are our retirement income concerns. Have we saved enough? Will it last to the end of our lives? Long-term retirement income planning can be one of the most challenging and personal issues we face. Since none of us know how long we’ll live, we don’t know how much money we’ll need. 

But we believe there are some certainties. Those nearing retirement can likely expect a Social Security payout, and Medicare can help offset health care expenses as we grow older. But these programs alone aren’t intended to fund your retirement lifestyle. As a financial professional, we’re here to help you use your current retirement assets to create strategies utilizing insurance products that help meet your long-term financial goals. 

[CLICK HERE to read the article, “America’s looming retirement savings crisis,” from CNBC, March 15, 2016.] 

[CLICK HERE to view the infographic, “The Crisis in Pensions and Retirement Plans,” from Accounting Degree Review, 2016.] 

With our help, creating a retirement income strategy may be one less thing to worry about. Other regional concerns may apply to you, like the water crisis in Michigan or mosquito infestations in South Florida, but whenever possible, direct your attention to things you can control. 

View the world’s ills through your own personal lens and reflect on whether the latest crisis will impact you. If it does, make an action plan. If it’s not likely, move on. Focus on your today, because we believe that’s what will help you enjoy a more confident tomorrow. 

[CLICK HERE to read the article, “Could What Happened in Flint Happen Anywhere?” from National Geographic, Jan. 26, 2016.] 

We are an independent firm helping individuals create retirement strategies using a variety of insurance products to custom suit their needs and objectives.

The information contained in this material has been obtained from third party sources believed to be reliable, but accuracy and completeness cannot be guaranteed; it is not intended to be used as the sole basis for financial decisions.

If you are unable to access any of the news articles and sources through the links provided in this text, please contact us to request a copy of the desired reference.

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